EIC Sign MoUs with Five Chinese Companies

来源:      发布时间:2019/5/15 11:13:45     点击率:191

EIC Sign MoUs with Five Chinese Companies


The latest, close to 4 billion USD agreements between Ethiopia and the Chinese giant companies will further boost the country’s investment, according to Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC).

The agreements include the 1.8 billion USD with the State Grid Corporation of China, which mainly targeted for providing of power generation of 16 industry parks including the Addis-Djibouti railway.

Tyson Group and Green Diamond Companies in collaboration will engage in pulp and paper production in   Benshangul Gumuz Regional State to produce up to 1 million ton paper per annum.

The two companies will invest some 2 billion USD during their actual operation and also expected to play     their crucial role in boosting the FDI, it was indicated.

EIC Commissioner, Abebe Abebayeyu, told the media today that the stated and other agreements signed in the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum, which was held in Beijing, will massively boost investments in      Ethiopia.

